Ordering Meals
At FSMA, students pre-order their meals. We do this monthly for a few reasons but primarily because it allows us to get the best food for the best price – our catering company can buy in bulk and plan ahead. Catering company? Yes, that’s essentially what we have. The Community Education Building provides lunch to many schools in Wilmington and we are lucky to have a great partnership with them. They do the meal planning/menu creation and ensure that we are in compliance with all federal food regulations and best practices as well as making an effort to create meals that are child-friendly. FSMA has partnered with them for the past 4 years and each year our food gets better and better as they are committed to increasing their service each year.
How do I order? Around the middle of each month you will receive a calendar and order form for the upcoming month. These need to be turned in on-time! The first order of the year is a little different because we order for August and September. These order forms MUST be turned in by AUGUST 23rd – “Meet the Teacher” Night. You can give them directly to your child’s teacher or scan and email them to your child’s teacher.
Please help us provide great meals at a reasonable cost by turning order forms in on time!