Holidays and School Closings
If more than 5% of the population celebrates a certain holiday, it will be considered for a day off on the school calendar for the upcoming school year.
National Take Your Child to Work Day
On this day, parents are encouraged to “take their child to work with them.” The intent of this day is to inspire young dreamers to dream big… and to inspire them to dream of themselves in a variety of roles and in a variety of places. As a school, we see great value in exposing our children to different work environments and helping them to visualize their future. Because of this, student absences for “Take Your Child to Work Day” will be excused (a note must be submitted noting the child’s participation in this day). / Teachers may bring school aged (K and up) children to work with them if they feel it is appropriate and does not interfere with their daily responsibilities. Teachers must supervise their own child(ren) at all times.
Out of State Competitions
FSMA will help to subsidize the cost for the school’s students and teams that are invited to regional and academically-related national competitions by virtue of coming in first or second at the state level in the same competition. These are for school endorsed activities (ex. Geography Bee, Odyssey of the Mind, etc.) A maximum of $500 per student for 1st place finishes at the state level and $350 per student for 2nd place finishes at the state level (if it is a competition for individuals) and $1000 for teams can be used to offset travel, lodging and registration fees. The remainder of the expenses will be paid by the parents of the students involved. Also, a limited amount of school-approved fundraising may be conducted to help defray the costs.
Student Visitors
Prior FSMA students may visit the classroom for up to 30 minutes. These need to be pre-scheduled and approved by administration.
Tutoring FSMA Students
No FSMA teacher is permitted to tutor one of their current students for profit (pro bono work is acceptable). Accepting money from a parent/family for tutoring a current student is considered by the school to be a conflict of interest. If a staff member is tutoring or coaching outside of the school hours, an administrator should be notified o who is being tutored/coached and a log of activity should be kept by the staff member.