Emergency cards are handed out in the beginning of the school year and upon yearly registration thereafter. This documentation is used for general emergency procedures for a sick/injured child. It is important that it be returned to the school nurse with updated contact and medical information.
Our school nutrition services do not provide a peanut/tree nut option for food choices. At FSMA particular classrooms are peanut/tree nut free. Children eat within the classroom setting and do not go to a cafeteria space. Parents that pack lunch and are in peanut/tree nut classrooms we understand this may be difficult, but we appreciate your help and understanding in complying with these efforts to maintain safe rooms.
FSMA works with an outside vendor that delivers premade meals on site. Our vendor supplies food options that are within regulation for healthy meal choices. There will be protein and fruit options with every meal as per state mandates. These options will be provided to children regardless if they want/choose it; it comes as an entire meal option.
The FLU:
Flu season usually arrives in late October and lasts through April. The Flu is a virus and cannot be treated with antibiotics. Symptoms include: Headaches, cough, nausea, body aches and chills, fever, and intense fatigue. Treatment for the Flu is recommended rest, sleep, hydration and Tylenol. Ways to help prevent the Flu from spreading includes proper and frequent hand washing, getting a recommended Flu Vaccine per CDC guidelines (Flu Vaccine – The flu vaccine is the best way to protect against the flu. This year the CDC recommends that all children from ages 6 months to 19 years get a flu vaccine every fall or winter), and adequate sleep which consists of 9-10 or more hours a night.
** Use only Tylenol (acetaminophen) to treat fever and body aches in children through 18 years old. Never use aspirin to treat flu or cold symptoms in children as it can cause serious complications such as Reyes Syndrome.
Proper hand washing is proven effective treatment in preventing the spread of infection and illness. Wash your hands and encourage your child to wash his/her hands.
- Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold) and apply soap.
- Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
- Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
- Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
- Dry your hands using a clean towel or air-dry them.
Guidelines and protocols reflect evidence-based practices for our policies implemented within our school. We will periodically provide families of ALL children information for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of head lice. For more information regarding head lice please visit: http://identify.us.com
Head lice are small parasitic insects exquisitely adapted to living mainly on the scalp and neck hairs of their host. Their presence does not connote a lack of hygiene or sanitation of their host. Head lice are not able to fly or jump and can be acquired by direct contact with an infected person.
The most common symptom is itching. Individuals with head lice infestation may scratch the scalp to alleviate itching. The new guidelines say that head lice infestation does not warrant exclusion from school, mass screening, or notification of classmates.
State required Screenings:
In the state of Delaware school nurses are required to screen children for vision and hearing problems yearly. All children in kindergarten and in grades 2 and 4 are tested for vision and hearing problems. Our students in grade 5 and grade 6 will receive a postural and gait screening and their spines are examined for scoliosis. The nurse may also be weighing and measuring the children. This data is confidential for each student and is entered into his/her school health record. If the nurse finds an irregularity with your child’s vision or hearing, you will receive the details and a request for follow-up with a physician. A referral following school screening does not mean that your child needs glasses, has a hearing deficit or has scoliosis. It does mean, however, that further evaluation is needed.